By Danny − On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 9 Months ago in Salads
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Balsamic Tomatoes and Cucumbers

Ring in the summer with marvelous fresh fruits and vegetables. For me, cucumbers and tomatoes are tops. Salads are needed for this in-season produce!!!
Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Timen/a
Ready In 10 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy

Chop the cucumber into chunks, halve the tomatoes, and slice the onion. Add all to a medium bowl.

Whisk together the olive oil and balsamic vinegar in a cup or small bowl. Add salt and pepper and whisk again.

Add dressing to the bowl and toss gently to distribute. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Cut the avocado into cubes before serving and add to the bowl. Toss gently.

1 Cucumber PEELED10 oz grape tomatoes½ red onion medium2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar2 Tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper – to taste1 avocado ADDED RIGHT BEFORE SERVING

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Ring in the summer with marvelous fresh fruits and vegetables. For me, cucumbers and tomatoes are tops. Salads are needed for this in-season produce!!!
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