By Danny − On Friday, January 21, 2022, 3 Years ago in Side Dishes
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Pressure cooker collards

Collard greens
Preparation time 30 min
Cooking Time 3 min
Ready In1 h
Level of DifficultyEasy

Wash and cut up the collards.  Add water to your pressure cooker or Insta pot.   Add collards, salt, sugar and meat.   Seal lid to pot and cook for 3 minutes.   If using a pressure cooker, cooking time starts when weighted babble starts moving from the steam.   If using an Insta Pot, program time for 3 minutes.    After the 3 minutes cooking time, let set for 10 minutes before opening lid.   Slowly release steam before opening lid.   Remove from pot and serve.

1 bunch of collards, washed and cut up1/2 cup water1 Tbsp salt 1 Tbsp sugarmeat of choice; a porkchop, a few strips of fatback, a couple ham hocks

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Collard greens
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